Avinash Kohli

1st Annual General Meeting

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The first Annual General Meeting for the NHRDN was held on Friday 4th August 2023, at SP Jain Institute of Management, Hyderabad Road, Singapore. The AGM was chaired by the President Mr Reddiam Raghu Ram. The Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Core Committee members were present too. The AGM was also livestreamed on Zoom. The AGM was attended by 42 members (25 in person, 17 virtually, 5 Proxies).

The AGM commenced at 6.30 pm with President’s address. Mr Raghu Ram recaptured the 4Cs ie ethos of Singapore Chapter – connect, converse, collaborate, and contribute. He also elaborated on the past events, future plans, opportunities and challenges. Resolutions relating to adoption of annual report, audited accounts were passed. In addition, two resolutions relating to operational matters were discussed, voted and passed by AGM. These resolutions related to non-members participating in NHRDN Friends Whats-app group and revision in membership fees

After completion of the official matters, members were invited to have dinner. The AGM was officially closed at 9.30 pm

Aug 10, 2023

06:00 PM to 09:00 PM


Presented By

Avinash Kohli

Core Team Member
Founder & CEO – InTalent.AI

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